Peaceful Resolutions: How to Avoid and Prevent Conflict

Friday, August 21, 2015

This session explores the steps associated with resolving conflict in the work place.  The session begins with an introduction to the art of communication, conversation, listening, discussion, negotiation, mediation and compromise.   The Facts, Issues, Feelings, Interest (FIFI) model and the Recognize, Issues, Generate, Solutions (RIGS) models are introduced to help mangers apply these and other tips to difficult situations.   The focus is on being a servant manager and being there to help even with difficult people and difficult situations.  When anger begins, it needs to be controlled.  Alternatives are explored using neuroscience and mindfulness to calm the anger to allow participants to stay focused on the problem and remain soft on the people. Participants will explore their own emotional intelligence and how this plays a role in not only resolving issues peacefully, but how this plays a role in their own career success.

C Group
Minnetonka, MN