In an article entitled “Don’t Be the Reason People Leave Your Company” from Entrepreneur Magazine Peter Diamond spells out that most people leave companies because they do not like their boss or they have lost faith in senior management. I read an article from the AICPA today that public accounting firms are having a hard time recruiting new accountants and keeping the best employees even with signing bonuses. These folks are networked and go where they feel wanted, respected, needed and engaged. This implies that if your firm does not want to go the way of the dinosaur that the firm needs to understand:
- How to hire, train and retain the best employees;
- Work generational differences;
- Be there for employees and (1) catch employees doing something right and reinforce this with specific feedback weekly, (2) provide the resources employees need (not what you think they need i.e. don’t micro manage), and (3) give employees a chance to shine.
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