IRS Publications

The IRS publications below are the most current IRS info available.


IRS Reasonable Compensation Job Aid

IRS Reasonable Compensation Job Aid Appendices

IRS Non-Controlling S-Corp Job Aid

IRS Information Document Request Memorandum

IRS Publication Number 1: Your Rights as a Taxpayer



De-Escalation Handout

Negotiation Handout

Delegatee Handout

Delegator Handout


Published Articles (readily available)

How can you take constructive action understanding Minnesota Nice, diversity, equity, and inclusion? – MNCPA Footnote August 1, 2021

Do Ethical Principles Matter in Business Valuation? ­– Association News NACVA Third Quarter 2020

Addressing Revenge in Negotiations – Hong Kong Lawyer May 2020

When Working with a Crazy Person Try Self Distancing – Hong Kong Lawyer March 2020

Have You Seen NACVA’s General and Ethical Standards? – Association News NACVA Third Quarter 2019

1 Habit – 100 Habits from the Happiest Achievers on the Planet – Michael Gregory, contributing author 2019

The IRS Releases Two New Regulation Sections, September 25, 2018 - Quick Read CTI NACVA

Official and Unofficial Rules of Engagement with the IRS, July 11, 2018 - Quick Read CTI NACVA

Lessons Learned from Positive and Negative Encounters, December 2017 - Minnesota CPAs

How Minnesota Nice, conflict and leadership come together, August 2, 2017 - Minnesota Footnote a publication of the MN CPAs

Lessons from Neuroscience for Financial Planners, Oct 17, 2016 - Advisor Perspectives Newsletter

20 Ideas to Help Make Your IRS Dealings Go Smoother, Apr 2015 - Business Valuation Update, Vol 21., No. 4

What Happens if the U.S. Tax System Implodes? Feb 2016 - Connections Alabama Society of CPAs

When Should an Appraisal be Attached to a Return? Jan 14, 2016 - QuickReadBuzz CTI

What Happens if the U.S. Tax System Implodes?

When Should an Appraisal be Attached to a Return?

Promote Opportunity - How to Hire, Train, and Retain the Best Employees

Enhancing Effectiveness at Work and with Your Life

Manage Your Time and Your Life

Promote Opportunity - Demonstrate Leadership to Get Ahead

Overcoming Conflict and Developing Peaceful Resolutions

Communicating Effectively with Others - How a Position-Based Perspective Limits Communication


Articles Published Externally

Mike is the author of more than 30 articles in prestigious publications.

The Journal of Accountancy
Trusts and Estates Journal
The Tax Adviser
National Litigation Consultants Review
Valuation Strategies
Business Valuation Review
Business Valuation Update
The Value Examiner


Michael Gregory Blog

Mike maintains an active blog on this website with numerous 'bonus' articles on leadership, conflict resolution, mediation, and public speaking.

Michael Gregory FAQ

What if it does not work?

If the mediation process does not work each party has a clearer understanding of the facts related to the issue, a better defined understanding of the issue, a clearer understanding of the feelings of the other party, and a better understanding of the interests (short term and long term) of the other party. Our mediations have a very high success rate because we take the time up front to be well prepared, and we focus on the problem.

If I leave everything up to the courts or an appeals process will the order be fair?

Both judges and administrative hearing officials (Appeals) frequently say that if both people are unhappy with the judgment, it’s a good one. We believe that both people can be satisfied and live with a mediated settlement.

How can we possibly negotiate this issue when we could not negotiate this issue ourselves?

This question comes up when the parties are considering mediation or retaining opposing attorneys.They think it will be easier and safer to have an attorney fight for their rights. We see it differently, especially if there are longer term relationships at stake. Why not use the traditional process to begin to establish how you will negotiate and resolve conflict? We provide a safe and confidential forum outside the court or traditional administrative process. We offer constructive options of how to do things differently.

What happens at each of the sessions in a mediation or negotiation?

We begin with any issue that is a priority for the parties unless in a pre-discussion the parties have indicated another preferred approach. If there is no single pressing issue, the first session includes gathering information about the facts on the issue(s). Generally both parties are already well prepared.  Occasionally one party does not have all of the information available, so additional work is necessary. For training managers this is structured to individual circumstances.

How much will mediation cost?

The service is provided on a per hour basis for mediation/negotiation and most other issues. The typical time frame ranges from two to eight hours on most mediation, but can be longer depending on the complexity of the situation. With the potential for settlement this mediation cost may save the client very significant out of pocket fees and provide timely closure to the issue.

For developing managers there is one fee for the service for a training session with your employees.