This short video introduces the key concepts on leading workgroups through change with the three…
This begins with you and your attitude towards the situation and the other person. Ideas are…
Are you or your employees under stress at work or with things outside of work? Would you like to…
In this video Mike offers ideas for topics associated with managers and leaders. This is a mere…
In this video you are provided with the three step mantra for being a successful manager. You…
This short video provides you with several sound bites with suggestions to explore the Mayo…
As a mediator I also volunteer in various venues. This video explains why I have a passion for…
To build trust soar like an eagle and land out your feet. SOAR stands for being Straightforward…
After an hour and a half interview by Cisco Webex with Amanda Holst on January 19, 2022 this is…
This is an opening commentary with Melissa Gragg from her Podcast, Mediator Podcast, where I…
Relationships are built at the speed of trust. This video looks at what you need to do to build…
We all have to work with difficult people at times. These can be customers, bosses, peers,…
Here is an example of a full presentation video to 700 certified financial planners at the…
Mike takes his over 25 years of management experience at all levels from front line manager to…
Would you or your clients like to resolve conflict, have closure, save time, and save money in…
This six minute video incorporates excerpts from Mike's presentation and comments from…
This three minute video presents comments from participants immediately after Mike's…
Collaboration is the process of two or more people working together to accomplish a goal.…
Learn about Michael Gregory, his education and experience, and how he can add value to address…
This video explains how mediation with business valuations works and why it is successful on…
Listening actively requires you to paraphrase, summarize, actively listen, and empathize without…