In this article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Makes Emotional Intelligence More Important” by Megan Beck and Barry Libert the authors make a strong case that:

Skills like persuasion, social understanding, and empathy are going to become differentiators as artificial intelligence and machine learning take over our other tasks. … For better or worse, these skills will become essential to anyone who wants to stay relevant in their field as automated systems proliferate. … If you can be an outstanding motivator, manager, or listener, then you will still have a part to play as technology changes your industry.

I am on board with their thinking. When I started my practice five years ago I was a supply push person. I thought I was going to be a supplier of mediation and negotiation services focusing on business valuation and a few other specialty areas related to my engineering and business background. Now I am a demand pull provider after listening to my clients.

After 10 books, over 20 articles, over 250 presentations and hundreds of clients later, I have adapted to help my clients in a variety of areas. My clients tell me I am not a problem solver, but a solution provider. I help clients get to the root cause and work with them to help them come up with an ever better solution.

Today as a trainer and consultant I am finding greater demand than ever related to three of my books. These are The Servant Manager, Peaceful Resolutions, and How to Work with the IRS, Second Edition. Relating to the commentary above I want to share with you the background on The Servant Manager and why my work as a consultant in this area has taken off.

After completing four mediations business to business in late 2012, I told my publisher that each had ended satisfactorily, but in each instance at least one of the parties had management that really needed help on the soft skills related to negotiation. He asked me to write a book on this. I told him I did not have the time. He suggested I research the best firms to work with in the country. I liked the idea so I began the research. Picking up on glass door and the best places to work in America, I reached out to the 50 best firms to work at in America. I was surprised that 30 responded and 12 worked with me to address best practices.

As some additional background, over an eleven year period I was one of a team of instructors to teach new managers in a two week training course relating to soft skills. I found as a senior manager and an executive, I needed this to relate to my front line managers. In my day to day world at this higher level I had lost contact on what it was like to be a new manager today. This course was very helpful to me and the students really enjoyed the metaphors, analogies and stories related to the course content, so it was a win-win situation for everyone involved. My evaluations were very high reinforcing how much fun both the students and I was having.

I took the content from what I had taught and information from the firms that worked with me from the glass door listing to write The Servant Manager.

Jumping to now, I am being asked to be a trainer and consultant for front line managers, higher levels of management and board of directors on these soft skill areas. Using neuroscience and the most current information and feedback from clients this really is a need where value added is needed. The types of issues being requested directly tie into these chapters, related to a host of areas, and then to work with their new managers, front line managers, senior managers and executives with coaching and half day workshops. The emphasis is on various chapters from The Servant Manager and Peaceful Resolutions. Key chapters are as follows as listed as bold below:

The Servant Manager

Chapter Title

  1. Start Re-orienting Yourself
  2. Step Into Leadership
  3. Understand yourself and Others
  4. Communicate effectively
  5. Coach for Success
  6. Become Known as an Ethical Manager
  7. Make the Most Out of Meetings
  8. Find the Work-Life Balance
  9. Lead Quality Improvement Teams
  10. Lead Workgroups Through Change
  11. Manage Your Time and Your Life
  12. Manage Diversity
  13. Build Engaged Workgroups and Teams
  14. Manage in a Crises
  15. Address Succession Management
  16. Multiply Your Effectiveness

Peaceful Resolutions

Chapter Title

  1. Overview of the Book
  2. The Art of De-escalation
  3. The Art of Communication
  4. The Art of Conversation
  5. The Art of Discussion
  6. The Art of Listening
  7. The Art of Negotiations
  8. The Art of Mediation
  9. The Art of Compromise
  10. The Art of Virtual Mediation

Of course I would be happy to be work with you, your firm, your association or your society on any of these topics or a hybrid such as addressing conflict at work and home or another topic. I find by speaking with representatives of firms or having email interactions to pointed questions I can offer insights from my management experience and neuroscience research to help parties with a wide variety of concerns. With my network, I may be able to find you a specific expert in a niche too. You may also want to research other sources related to these topics to help you with your individual needs. There is a lot of information on the internet that is ripe for plucking that could help you with any of these types of areas. If I can help you, come back to me. I am always willing to help any way I can. I have a passion to learn and share what I have learned with others.

Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, MBA is an international speaker, that helps organization overcome conflict and enhance effectiveness. Mike is dedicated to making individuals, organizations, thought-leading entrepreneurs and executives more successful. Michael’s books, including The Servant Manager, How to Work with the IRS, Second Edition and his most recent book, now also available as an eBook, Peaceful Resolutions are available at this link.  On point resources are available online at and check out the blog. Contact Mike directly at or call (651) 633-5311. 

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About the author

Mike Gregory is a professional speaker, an author, and a mediator. You may contact Mike directly at and at (651) 633-5311. Mike has written 12 books (and co-authored two others) including his latest book, The Collaboration Effect: Overcoming Your Conflicts, and The Servant Manager, Business Valuations and the IRS, and Peaceful Resolutions that you may find helpful. [Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, MBA, Qualified Mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court]