My book Business Valuations and the IRS: Five Books in One has been called “the most complete and comprehensive book on business valuation ever written.” This 850-page book is compilation of five separate books written by me for business valuers, attorneys, accountants, and tax professionals concerned with business valuation.
See the bottom of this post for information about how to get a copy of this important book from me directly for a $200 discount.
These are the five books included in Business Valuations and the IRS: Five Books in One:
- How to Work with the IRS
- Peaceful Resolutions
- Discount for Lack of Marketability and the IRS
- How the IRS Values Non-Controlling Interests in S-Corps
- How the IRS Determines Reasonable Compensation
In assembling this massive book, I have written many entirely new materials describing IRS structure and process, steps and tips to resolving conflicts with the IRS, and have superadded three additional sections covering three technical areas that are trickiest for tax professionals: DLOMs, S-Corps, and Reasonable Compensation. To assist the reader through all 16 chapters, I provide 38 examples and more than 180 practical pointers in navigating all-important issues and technical areas. Here is a detailed description of the book:
Part One: IRS Structure and Process
In Part One I shares insights into the IRS structure from a historical and current perspective. Given my 28 years at the IRS at all levels of management and heading up business valuation at the IRS during my last 11 years, I offer insights from a unique perspective. The IRS has rules related to engagement. I share these rules with you and show how these rules can be used to your advantage during negotiation. Classification at the IRS is explained related to corporations and the estate and gift tax program from a historical perspective. Should your appraisal be audited I offer practical insights and steps for working with IRS representatives and provide you with six detailed examples. Having served as an expert witness, testified in U.S. Tax Court, and prepared to testify in U.S. District Court, and then having become the manager of an expert witness group with up to 21 experts and additional support staff with up to 10 to 12 cases being docketed at any one time, my goal as the author is to share insights and practical examples to help you if you or your company or firm are caught up in these processes or issues.
Part Two: Resolving Conflict with the IRS
This section begins with identifying the most common errors in valuations and 25 golden suggestions on how to resolve these common and other conflicts with the IRS. Five detailed examples bring this home to the reader. IRS valuers have been trained in mediation. Unlike arbitration or litigation where someone makes the decision, in mediation the parties come up with a solution that both parties can live with. In valuation many assumptions have to be made, and we discuss those assumptions. Differences in assumptions can make a major difference in coming to valuation conclusions. Learning about the IRS evaluation process to resolve issues will give you a leg up on working your issue with the IRS. Additional insights are offered on how to resolve issues with separate IRS teams and agents. This section concludes with two examples on how to write a business valuation report for the IRS while avoiding penalties.
I was the IRS champion (team leader) of three job aids produced and presented to IRS professionals while I worked at the IRS. These job aids were originally written for IRS personnel and were later released by the IRS after the author requested two them under a FOIA (Freedom of Information) filing. In addition to the full text of each of the three job aids, in this book I include fresh page-by-page commentary giving the reader my current perspective on hundreds of details in the job aids.
Part Three: Valuing Non-Controlling Interests in S-Corps for the IRS takes a look at the IRS Job Aid on Valuing Non-Controlling Interests in S-Corps through the entire document. On one page is a portion of the Job Aid and on the adjacent page I provides the reader with insights not explained in the Job Aid with a special aim to assist the business appraiser. These insights include two examples with information you can use when valuing a non-controlling interest in an S-Corp for the IRS.
Part Four: Valuing Reasonable Compensation for the IRS makes use of the IRS Job Aid on reasonable compensation and an appendix associated with the Job Aid. One page is a portion of the Job Aid and on the opposite page I provide the reader with insights not explained in the Job Aid to aid you as a business appraiser. These insights include two examples with perspective you can use when determining reasonable compensation for IRS purposes.
Part Five: Discount for Lack of Marketability and the IRS makes use of the IRS Job Aid on Discount for Lack of Marketability. One page is a portion of the Job Aid and on the adjacent page I provide you with insights not explained in the Job Aid to aid you as a business appraiser. These insights include two examples with information you can use when you are determining a Discount for Lack of Marketability for IRS purposes. Several of the methods have been updated since publication, and there are newer methods available. However, the basic text is accurate and is still applicable at the IRS.
Special Offer to My Readers
You can purchase this book which includes all five of my most important and valuable tax books for $199 per copy plus $10 shipping. You can get this heavily discounted book (up to $200 discount from Amazon) by sending me an email with the subject line: Special Purchase and in the body of the email your name, business/shipping address, and phone number. Send your email to me at the following address: mg@mikegreg.com My publisher will be notified and will ship you the book and guarantee this low price through the end of the calendar year.
Check out these links to my publications if you would like to learn more about collaboration, conflict resolution, or enhancing your servant manager skills.