This session is tailored to a specific client with individual needs. The key to this training is to have interactive feedback along the way to ensure participants learn and retain the material to be used on the job. In this way participants will be able to use what was learned to improve productivity, customer service and employee morale. The commentary that follows presents example module topics.
Leadership is an art and it’s up to me initiates the session. The underlying theme is service over self-interest. With the right attitude and bringing everyone on board leaders apply the successful habits of uncommon leaders to multiply their effectiveness.
It all starts with hiring smart and retaining the best employees. After discussing this topic a number of items are focused on during these sessions. For example:
- Knowing how to interact effectively with all employees;
- Know who the decision maker; and
- Clearly defining problems.
The seven intelligences are introduced and knowing these, participants learn how these can best be used in a work environment to accomplish tasks as a team. This helps in developing skills and determining responsibility for various tasks.
Knowing how to dress for success and the layout an office area for appropriate interactions set a tone. Conversations on these types of topics often present a better understanding of corporate culture and enhance creativity and productivity when ideas are exchanged.
Finally, a look at the two topics of what volunteering with and as a team, and keeping everything in perspective provide the leaders and everyone with inspiring thoughts to stay aligned with tcorporate goals.
The topics presented here are representative topics. To explore a session to meet your specific concerns give us a call at 651-633-5311.