If you follow this blog you have seen commentary on soft skills or what I refer to as the critical skills of today and the future given artificial intelligence as well as commentary on the IRS, valuation, negotiations, mediation and facilitation. With all of us dealing with the “new normal” or eventually coming to the “new normal” I wanted to reach out to you and ask you,
what are your concerns? What do you want to know about? What are your greatest fears? What keeps you up at night? How can I help you? This is an invitation from me to you.
Why am I asking for your help?
Why? I care, I have a passion for conflict resolution and to promote collaboration. Coming out of the bottom of the Covid 19 pandemic are you looking at the opportunities there? I love to do research and I want to help you succeed. It is very fulfilling for me. I have a personal interest that needs to be fulfilled. Let me know your concerns and I will be happy to explore further insights to help you. Just come back to me with your concerns. I will review all the feedback and take the time to research and provide feedback on the responses that I can. It only costs you a small amount of your time to respond, and I will take it from there.
Topic Areas
These are the topic areas that I have written to help you in over 250 blogs and over 40 articles to give you some ideas. On the critical skills area these are broad topic areas:
- collaboration,
- communication,
- conflict,
- conflict resolution,
- disputes,
- enhancing effectiveness,
- leadership,
- listening,
- listening and feedback,
- mindfulness,
- meditation,
- mediation,
- negotiations,
- neuroscience updates,
- trust, and
- working with difficult people.
Relating to the IRS and business valuation you have seen technical commentary on
audits and what’s new at the IRS,
- business valuation,
- discount for lack of marketability,
- fast track and Appeals,
- IRS updates and help,
- negotiations,
- reasonable compensation,
- research credit,
- S-corps,
- the business world,
- transfer pricing and international issues, and
- valuation.
I am taking a chance here. I don’t know what kind of response I am going to receive from you. There are 5,500 in my Constant Contact listing with my monthly newsletter, and there are 3,350 followers on LinkedIn. Maybe no one will respond. Maybe a few will respond. Maybe I will be overwhelmed with responses. That is fine with me. I truly believe in conflict resolution and that collaboration is worth a try before taking it to another level such as arbitration or litigation. It saves time, energy, mental toil, physical toil, and money.
My passion on conflict resolution and collaboration
Those of you that know me or that have heard me speak know that
I have a passion for conflict resolution and collaboration.
Yes, I do this for a living with corporate America, but this is what I do for fun too. In corporate America the dollar amounts on issues range from tens of thousands of dollars with small businesses to issues as large as nearly a billion dollars with boards of directors in fortune 100 companies.
As a volunteer twice a month I volunteer with the Dispute Resolution Center (DRC) in Ramsey County (St. Paul, MN) in Housing Court or Conciliation Court. In Housing Court these are people being evicted from their homes and apartments. This is very emotional and very serious. I also volunteer with the DRC in neighborhood disputes, in public housing and other situations. I have mediated between gangs. I have volunteered after racially charged police shooting of black men in Minneapolis (Jamar Clark) and Falcon Heights (Philando Castile) to help de-escalate and promote healing. This is what I do.
I want to help you. Do you have issues with your boss, your peers, employees, contractors, clients, vendors, shareholders, other stakeholders? I have worked with all of these as well as issues with unions, equal employment opportunity and others. What I have learned is whether addressing fortune 500 boards of directors, small businesses, someone being evicted or tense neighborhood issues, The Collaboration Effect® based on neuroscience works. Help me to help you with what I have learned having applied this in over 2,500 situations.
Take advantage of The Collaboration Effect®
Whether it is about leadership and promoting The Collaboration Effect® to enhance relationships, resources and revenues in a business sense or in a volunteer situation, the underlying issues are the same. It is all about connecting relationships, listening actively, and educating judiciously to build bridges and negotiate closure.
We all want closure related to conflicts, and we all feel so much better when we focus on a goal and can work collaboratively to achieve an end result.
Think of how great it feels to be part of a team that works together, where everyone is aligned, and the team accomplishes great things. That is what The Collaboration Effect® is all about.
To help you with this I am giving away a complimentary resource. This is The Collaboration Effect® pocket guide in a virtual form.
The pocket guide is a hard copy trifold that fits in a pocket, but for you I am making it available in a virtual form. This is a compact commentary that can help you focus on how to connect with others, listen actively with open ended questions and educate judiciously to help you negotiate closure. It also provides you with 10 steps to find solutions with others based on interests and other helpful elements to help you work better with others. Now I have three questions for you and a request.
Three questions for you to consider
With where we are in the world today, I have three questions for to ponder, and then I would like you to share with me your concerns. Here are three questions for you to ask yourself:
- What’s good about my current situation?
- What is the best use of my time?
- What tactics should I be considering given where I want to be two years from now?
Please help me out, I want to hear from you
I am asking for you to please help me out. What are your concerns currently related to conflict resolution and/or collaboration? No idea is too big or too small. My clients reinforce to me that I am good at what I do, I am reliable, thorough, and produce results.
Please come back to me at mg@mikegreg.com.
I will keep your comments confidential. I may share the concepts with others to help you and them in a future blog or article, but I will keep you and your situation confidential. Thank you for your consideration.
About the author
Mike is a former IRS executive that oversaw business valuation nationally, research credit for 23 states and who brought mediation to the IRS Field Specialists Program. He is a mediator/negotiator that helps clients resolve issues and be more productive as a conflict resolution expert. You may contact Mike directly at mg@mikegreg.com and at (651) 633-5311. Mike has written 11 books including, The Servant Manager, Business Valuations and the IRS, and Peaceful Resolutions that you may find helpful. [Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, NSA, MBA, Qualified Mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court]