Addressing conflicts, disputes, and mediation here are five articles with great insights to help you bridging differences with others. Below are links to these five articles that I found insightful and helpful from the neuroscientists at  Greater Good Science Center at the University of California at Berkeley. I thought you may enjoy one or more of these too. All five articles provide different insights. Take a look at the commentary and decide which ones may be of interest to you.


Bridging differences playbook


This 49 page booklet provides insights on how to promote positive dialogue and understanding with others. The text begins with an invitation to explore this topic and defines what bridging is and why it matters. The authors present how to use this playbook with guiding principles with reflection on what you do now. Three sections are presented on intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intergroup skills and strategies for bridging differences followed by a list of resources. It is well done. Anyone should find this helpful that is interested in enhancing their emotional intelligence around bridging differences.


Bridging differences quiz


The quiz only takes a few minutes and provides you with some questions that make you think about who you associate with, how often you associate with them, your preferences and  why that matters, and some other things. More importantly after taking the quiz, the authors provide you with some insights regarding yourself and offers some insights to make you an even better person. It is not an end all by any means, but it offers some great things to consider in a constructive manner.


Five colleges that try to bridge differences


The article offers insights into what is happening or has happened on five college campuses across the country. Each has a unique story. An underlying theme is listening to others and being willing to be changed by others that can be exciting, challenging, and fearful all at the same time. We are connected In so many ways. We have far more in common if we take the time to listen and understand. A look at individuals with their own experience’s sheds light and challenges stereotypes.


To resolve conflicts, get up and move


Moving physically or cognitively from one state to another helps with resolving conflict. That is physically walking and talking or moving from a tense state to a more amenable and understanding state goes a long way towards resolving conflict Typically mediators focus up to 95% of their time on digging deeper to help understand the conflict. If in conflict get up and move. Use flip charts, white boards, and consider co-creating something together. This promotes collaboration. Other ideas are presented on how to move to a different state both physically and cognitively.


Five reasons why intellectual humility is good for you


The science of intellectual humility is a growing rapidly. Rather than being filled with how much you know, being open to learning what you do not know and being open to new things can significantly enhance your understanding. Another way to phrase this is simply being curious. Curious people do more fact checking. Intellectual humility may improve your relationships with others. Intellectual humility tends to make you more tolerant of others. A comment and question at the end of the article offers the following: “The next time you feel certain about something, you might ask yourself, might I be wrong?’

These five articles caught my attention. I enjoyed reading them and giving them some serious consideration for myself as a mediator and a person interesting in bridging differences with others. As a student in this area, I found these interesting  and helpful leaving me with wanting to share these with you too. I hope you enjoy at least one of these articles. Let me know what you think. I value your comments.

Be safe. Be well. Have fun.

About the author

Mike Gregory is a professional speaker, an author, and a mediator. You may contact Mike directly at and at (651) 633-5311. Mike has written 12 books (and co-authored two others) including his latest book, The Collaboration Effect: Overcoming Your Conflicts, and The Servant Manager, Business Valuations and the IRS, and Peaceful Resolutions that you may find helpful. [Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, MBA, Qualified Mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court]