As a business valuation mediator and negotiator addressing conflicts associated with complex valuations it is inevitable that positions can become entrenched. The process of business valuation often gives rise to challenging disputes that seem insurmountable and intractable with family owned businesses and with federal income tax issues. These conflicts can leave all parties involved feeling stuck, frustrated, and disillusioned. However, addressing these disputes with intellect, creativity, insight, and perception can pave the way to a resolution that not only benefits the parties but also strengthens the foundation of their business relationships.

Mediating tough conflicts in business valuation is not for the faint of heart. It requires fortitude, imagination, and grit. It necessitates parties to be willing to take on risks, with the hope of finding a solution that can steer them away from costly litigation and toward mutually agreeable terms. In this article, we will explore the essential elements of mediating tough conflicts in business valuation, offering a roadmap to navigate even the most arduous of disagreements.

1. Understanding the Source of Conflict

Mediating conflicts in business valuation starts with a deep understanding of the underlying issues. Typically, disagreements arise from differences in perspective, assumptions, financial interests, or valuation methods. Business valuation mediators need to facilitate open and honest discussions to uncover the true source of the dispute. Often, conflicts can be traced back to miscommunication, unrealistic expectations, or the misinterpretation of data. Identifying the root cause is the first step in finding a solution.

2. Effective Communication

Communication is the backbone of any successful mediation process. Parties involved in a dispute must be encouraged to express their concerns, objectives, and reasoning clearly. Business valuation mediators can employ active listening and empathy to foster an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. Effective communication helps all parties involved to appreciate each other's positions and needs.

3. Neutral and Expert Mediation

Choosing the right business valuation mediator is crucial. A neutral third party who possesses expertise in business valuation can offer a fresh perspective on the matter and guide the conversation effectively. They can provide insights and clarity that may not be apparent to the disputing parties. Their role is to maintain neutrality while steering the dialogue toward a resolution. The business valuation mediator is impartial.

4. Creative Problem-Solving

In many cases, business valuation conflicts can be seen as puzzles waiting to be solved. Business valuation mediators can encourage the parties to think creatively about potential solutions. Brainstorming sessions can be a valuable tool in generating ideas that satisfy the interests of all parties. The goal is to find a win-win solution that meets the needs and concerns of everyone involved. Many times, one of the parties may assumptions that upon reflection may not be directly on point leading to a significant concession by one of the parties.

5. Gaining Perspective

One of the most powerful tools in mediating tough conflicts is perspective. Business valuation mediators can help parties see the bigger picture. This might include considering long-term business goals, industry trends, and market dynamics. For example, assumptions regarding risk or potential growth patterns in the future can have a significant impact. By expanding their viewpoint, the parties may be more inclined to compromise and find common ground.

6. Exploring Alternative Valuation Methods

Business valuation is not an exact science, and different methods can yield varying results. Business valuation mediators can suggest exploring alternative valuation approaches to see if they can bridge the gap between the parties' positions. For example, using a combination of methods or considering the company's future potential can provide a more comprehensive and balanced valuation.

7. Risk Analysis

Mediating tough conflicts often involves navigating uncharted waters, and there are inherent risks in doing so. Parties must be willing to take on some degree of risk to reach a resolution. Business valuation mediators can assist in conducting risk assessments, helping the parties understand the potential consequences of their actions, whether that be proceeding with litigation or reaching a settlement.

8. Establishing Clear Agreements

Once a solution is reached, it's vital to create clear, comprehensive agreements that outline the terms of the resolution. These agreements should address all the concerns and interests of the parties involved and provide a framework for the future. Clear agreements reduce the likelihood of future disputes. Since the parties came up with the ultimate decision, they own it and are far more likely to abide by the solution.

9. Preserving Relationships

Mediation is not just about resolving conflicts; it's also about preserving and, if possible, strengthening the relationships between the parties. While the focus is on finding a solution, the process should also encourage understanding and cooperation, which can be invaluable in maintaining a productive business partnership.


Mediating tough conflicts in business valuation requires a unique blend of experience, intellect, creativity, insight, and perception. It is a challenging process that calls for fortitude and a willingness to embrace risk. When handled effectively, this approach can transform seemingly insurmountable and intractable positions into opportunities for growth and understanding.

In the world of business, where conflicts can arise at any moment, the ability to navigate disputes with skill and diplomacy is a valuable asset. With the right business valuation mediator and a commitment to open communication and creative problem-solving, even the most complex of conflicts can be resolved. In doing so, parties not only save valuable time and resources but also lay the foundation for a more productive and harmonious business future. If you are looking for an experienced business valuation mediator, contact Michael Gregory at or call him at his direct line at 651-633-5311.  There is no charge for the call.

If you’re looking for some assistance related to collaboration or conflict resolution, or enhancing your Servant Manager skills, check out the links to these.

About the author

Mike Gregory is a professional speaker, an author, and a mediator. You may contact Mike directly at and at (651) 633-5311. Mike has written 12 books (and co-authored two others) including his latest book, The Collaboration Effect: Overcoming Your Conflicts, and The Servant Manager, Business Valuations and the IRS, and Peaceful Resolutions that you may find helpful. [Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, MBA, Qualified Mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court]