Exploring ideas from 2020 blogs from mikegreg.com on collaboration, there are 31 blogs that cover various elements of collaboration. To start 2021 off right for you I have organized these into various categories that will help you to be more productive and enhance growth by being more collaborative with others. Remember:
“It’s not about me.
It’s all about we.
But we starts with me.”
This quote taken from The Collaboration Effect: Overcoming Your Conflicts points out that your attitude and approach to others is key to the process, but it will not happen unless you act. Be responsible. Check your assumptions. Become curious about others. Focus on being interested in others rather than trying to be interesting yourself. Make 2021 your most collaborative year yet. Success will follow.
The Collaboration Effect enhances relationships, resources, and revenues. It is all about connecting relationships, listening actively, and educating judiciously to build bridges to negotiate closure. Isn’t that what you want? To get along better with others, even difficult people. By aligning others to work with you and by focusing on common values, interests, and goals, you will feel better, be more productive, have more fun, and be happier. The bottom line with business results naturally fall in line when you enhance customer and employee satisfaction while focusing on quality and quantity benchmarks. Take productivity to the next level with The Collaboration Effect.
The articles presented here generally take three to five minutes to read and have been organized into the follow categories to help you with your needs relative to collaboration: Take advantage of The Collaborative Effect to be more productive, grow faster and have fun; virtual collaboration and negotiations; compassion and empathy - know the difference and how this can help you; conflicts at work; diversity and inclusion; IRS and valuation issues; negotiations – understand to win; and post Covid-19 what you should be doing.
Take advantage of The Collaboration Effect® to be more productive, grow faster, and have fun
Exit planning and The Collaboration Effect® August 17, 2020
This is how to get your productivity back on track May 25, 2020
Here are three things great collaborators avoid May 18, 2020
We need each other to be connected: Lessons from neuroscience April 10, 2020
This is how to encourage constructive conflict while collaborating January 31, 2020
What can we learn from famous quotes about collaboration? January 25, 2020
Virtual collaboration and negotiations
Make these changes in virtual negotiations according to neuroscience December 27, 2020
How do you strengthen ties with employees working from home? March 30, 2020
Key lessons for collaboration in a virtual world March 23, 2020
Compassion and empathy know the difference and how this can help you
Lead with compassion and listen with empathy November 30, 2020
What actions can you take to redefine collaboration now? October 5, 2020
Conflicts at work
Three big ideas for conflict management February 24, 2020
Partisanship, the election, and conflict at work October 30, 2020
This is how to overcome your conflicts August 31, 2020
Here are three great ideas for addressing change June 28, 2020
What are your biggest concerns around conflict resolution and collaboration? April 30, 2020
Diversity, inclusion, and belonging
Three signs your workplace culture is hurting you, and what you can do about it March 10, 2020
How can firms increase diversity among partners and team members? September 13, 2020
Minnesota nice, people of color, conflict resolution, and collaboration June 8, 2020
IRS and valuation issues
Begin an audit with the IRS with Collaboration August 7, 2020
This is how to interact with an IRS Estate and Gift Tax Attorney on a valuation case August 24, 2020
IRS, The Collaboration Effect®, and estate and gift tax audits, what do they have in common? July 27, 2020
Which conflict style works best with an IRS auditor and why? February 17, 2020
Negotiations – understand to win
To win someone over be authentic and consider mirroring language December 21, 2020
Are women more ethical than men in negotiations? September 7, 2020
Collaboration, negotiations, goals, and ethics as a manger February 29, 2020
Here are some great tips for any negotiation at work, home or with others February 7, 2020
The power of three related to negotiations, leadership, and motivation January 20, 2020
Post Covid-19 what you should be doing
Collaboration, teamwork, and productivity during and post pandemic December 13, 2020
What should you be doing with your business now during this pandemic and what is next? May 4, 2020
There were over 50 blogs last year at this web site and based on feedback from others these on collaboration have been the most popular. My hope is that at least one or two of these links will help you be an even better collaborator in in the future.
May you be safe, well, and happy in 2021. All the best.
Please share with me any concerns you have, and you never know, I must just research your idea and write a blog directly on point to help you. It would be my pleasure.
Happy New Year my friend.
About the author
Mike is a professional speaker, an author, and a mediator. You may contact Mike directly at mg@mikegreg.com and at (651) 633-5311. Mike has written 12 books (and co-authored two others) including his latest book, The Collaboration Effect: Overcoming Your Conflicts, and The Servant Manager, Business Valuations and the IRS, and Peaceful Resolutions that you may find helpful. [Michael Gregory, ASA, CVA, NSA, MBA, Qualified Mediator with the Minnesota Supreme Court]