In recent blogs I have addressed defensive rules in negotiations, and negotiating with those that don’t care…
Do you believe it is possible to improve intelligence or negotiating skills? If you do or you don’t both…
Not all negotiators believe in fair play and some actually negotiate in “bad faith”. You may be left with the…
In negotiations we initially tend to focus on our position, our side, our perspective and our interests.…
The stats are out there on conflict in the workplace. Here are just a few: America has a civility problem. 63…
Before beginning or even entertaining a negotiation, thought should be given to understanding the other party…
In this article from the Harvard Business Review Amy Gallo offers some good insights on “How to Keep Your…
What do managers need and want to enhance effectiveness? The same things their employees want! According to…
In this article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Makes Emotional…
Reading this article entitled “Understanding Different Negotiating Styles” by Katie Shonk from the Harvard…
Last month it was my pleasure to address approximately 20 thought leaders from all levels of management on…
In this article from the Program on Negotiation from the Harvard Law School Katie Shock offers some…
In this article from the Program on Negotiation from the Harvard Law School Blog the authors offer insights…
This article from the Program on Negotiation Harvard Law School Daily Blog focuses on Conflict Management:…
In a posting by Yvette Erasmus, PsyD LD, on December 27, 2016 she asks a question about stonewalling and then…
Reading an article from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiations entitled “Four Strategies for Making…
In this article from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation entitled “What are the Top Three Defensive…
In this article from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation entitled Value Creation in Negotiation:…
In this article by Professor Lawrence Susskind of MIT he presents ideas on this topic entitled Environmental…
In this article from the Program on Negotiation from the Harvard Law School blog by Katie Shonk, she…
Asking this differently… are you a good driver?  Everyone believes they are a good driver, it’s the…
In my book, The Servant Manager, 203 tips from the best places to work in America, I offer a chapter with 5…
Last week I shared on my blog “Lessons Learned from Recent Negotiations with the IRS on Examination”. …
Over the course of the last few weeks I have been introduced to a think tank in Washington DC that addresses…
During negotiations often we assume the other party has the same or similar interests, intentions and desires…
Many people enter into negotiations with expectations. Often times a natural initial tendency is to be…
As a person that engages in conflict resolution on a wide variety of issues, I have recently been asked…
I read this article from the Daily Blog offered by the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation entitled,…
In this article from the Program on Negotiation form the Harvard Law School Katie Shonk as a staff writer…
For those who have heard me speak recently regarding How to Work with the IRS or on a similar topic you know…