Would you like to work in a more collaborative environment? Studying improvisation, generations and various…
There is no question that now is a very stressful time. At the same time the rate of change is as slow as it…
Would you like to know how to communicate with those that don’t what to hear you at all? Do you have those…
Often times leadership comes up with an idea, works the idea and then plans to implement the latest…
When you think of conflict at work, what comes to mind? Wouldn’t it be great to have a relatively simple…
From previous blogs you know that The Collaboration Effect ® is all about connecting relationships, actively…
We all have conflict every day at work, at home and in life. Did you ever stop to think that conflict…
The key elements of words, tone and body language (including facial expressions) have been commented in…
There are times at work when you have to deal with difficult people and negotiations at the same time.…
You may think texts are for the young and new entries into the work force. You may think texts don’t belong…
There is a lot written about trust and why trust is important. What is true is if you don’t have trust with…
This article addresses how to prepare and what questions to ask when involved in a facilitation, negotiation…
Having recently presented “Leading CPAs Firms Through Change at a state society of CPA’s leadership…
Every workplace has its own culture. Some involve greater or lessor degrees of negotiation between employer…
How much should you trust the other party in a negotiation. If you trust to much chances are you may be…
Two sources with five and seven ethical principles for negotiations in business were explored to give you…
Whenever two people are involved with anything, it is only natural to expect that at some point there may be…
Thomas Edison stated, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. Most of us don’…
According to the Harvard Law Program on Negotiation there are three kinds of conflict in business and how to…
After defining the problem correctly, the next most important aspect in a negotiation to ensure the…
Here are six tips to make you an extremely successful negotiator. Essentially you need to manage your own…
Closure is not an add on at the end. Instead to have a successful closure, begin with the end in mind. What…
It sounds to easy, but really the best communicators know when to keep their mouths shut and really listen.…
Have you ever thought about the tactics from beginning to end that are involved with a negotiation? This…
Do you want to feel better, be more productive and have more fun? Researching some recent articles and…
In today’s world with deep seated divisions in Washington we don’t have to look far to see nightly news with…
Cognitive bias is defined as “a systemic error in thinking that impacts one’s choices and judgments”. We are…
The Harvard Business Review (HBR) is suggesting now is the time to plan for the next economic downturn.…
Trust is a two-way street. Trust can be built and trust can be earned. This article focuses on how you can…
A tough negotiation between an employee and his or her employer can seem like a one-way negotiation when…