Exploring ideas from 2020 blogs from mikegreg.com on collaboration, there are 31 blogs that cover various…
Technology is growing at an exponential rate and has drastically changed the way we do business today. Today…
In a negotiation it is especially important to be authentic. Operate with compassion. That is be calm,…
With COVID-19, a vaccine on the way, the application of the vaccine for all of us by sometime this summer, we…
Have you ever thought of how helpful it is to simply smile in a negotiation? Do you know how powerful this…
The Collaboration Effect ® is all about connecting relationships, listening actively, and educating…
Think about collaboration, dispute and conflict resolution, and negotiations. Have you been in a negotiation…
Here are three really good ideas for you to consider before you enter a tough negotiation. Whether this is a…
Have you ever been in a negotiation with another party and they seemed to be totally irrational? Have you…
On the day after the election in 2016 I wrote a blog regarding “How to Help Those Feeling Anxiety Today”.…
What is the right way to regulate your emotions in a negotiation when someone attacks you personally or…
You’re an expert witness. You investigated the facts, you developed your expert analysis, and now you have an…
It was my pleasure on Saturday October 10, 2020 to attend a two-hour session with Anthony Streiff on the…
With Covid-19 various entities have had to redefine what is meant by collaboration in the workplace. Remote…
Your attitude in a negotiation is key. Your attitude determines how you may react to triggers during a…
Have you ever been in a conflict with someone about something and wanted to either prevent the situation from…
Reading an article recently in the ABA Journal by Maria Antonieta Sager and her journey to become a partner…
Recently the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation provided an article on this subject entitled, Moral…
The Collaboration Effect® is all about connecting relationships, listening actively, and educating…
It was my pleasure to be interviewed by Melissa Gragg, the Managing Partner at Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC…
If there ever was a profession where The Collaboration Effect® made sense it is in exit planning. Instead of…
When you think of collaboration quite likely the IRS does not come to mind. Rather when you hear the term IRS…
On July 1, 2020 it was my pleasure to be interviewed by Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF, CDFA and Managing Partner…
On July 14, 2020 it was my pleasure to be interviewed by Melissa Gragg, CVA, MAFF, CDFA and Managing Partner…
We are in stressful times with COVID-19, George Floyd, and work. For those of working, we feel for those that…
With the advent of artificial intelligence ethics is taking on additional importance. The Harvard Program on…
Some situations are clear. Sometimes there is no doubt someone else is in the wrong. They may not even…
Research has shown that 58% of businesses reinvent themselves at least every three years. Think about that…
When you are involved with a negotiation with the IRS or another party where it appears there may be…
Previously on this blog tips have been presented on how to negotiate closure, how to close a deal in a…