From the bestselling author, Eric Barker, Barking up the Wrong Tree, I wanted to share with you his…
I happened upon an article about coffee that is available at the end of this blog.  That got me to…
You have read about negotiation. You have practiced techniques. You are prepared. You have researched…
In some negotiations it seems like the deal will never close. This can be a technique used by one side to…
Sometimes both parties agree to disagree, but it can be possible for the parties to come up with a…
Don’t take my work for it. Read what researchers have found from the fields of neuroscience, psychology and…
Often when two parties are in a conflict with one another, one party feels more aggrieved than another. At…
Here are some very specific ideas to help you in any negotiation. You begin your investigation into the…
You know how it is. You have been to training and you know that you are supposed to do. You are supposed to…
I met with a business valuer that provides business owners with valuations.  We discussed the ways that…
Whether in business or in a negotiation, how can you improve collaboration? This can be difficult in business…
What is a difficult hard bargainer and how can you possibly work with such a person? We all run into folks…
Personal attention is one of the keys for collaboration.  What does personal attention mean?  We…
When is it time to walk away from a negotiation? In short, when a trusted third-party advisor counsels you…
It was my pleasure to attend the CTI NACVA conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and hear a wonderful key…
In general, when someone comes with a question the typical response is to respond with an answer or what we…
Focusing on conflict resolution and collaboration I have found one of the keys for decision makers to make…
Fostering creativity at work can produce some pretty fantastic results. This article focuses on creativity…
We all have things we worry about.  Often we take our negative feelings and enhance them by making them…
Dispute resolution may begin with a negotiation, move into mediation and could eventually require arbitration…
A great negotiation often has four parts related to building relationships, listening for understanding,…
Working with clients with issues at the IRS there are five steps to consider along the way. These are…
Two very real-world questions for you are: how should you dress for a negotiation, mediation, conflict…
Over the last four weeks I have focused on why collaboration is important in the workplace, why collaboration…
Wait a minute. Isn’t competition good in the work place? Isn’t competition what makes America great…
It has been demonstrated that collaboration is important in the work place and it works. It has also been…
From the time we started school we were taught to work hard, study hard, do our best and we will get ahead.…
As an expert in conflict resolution business to business, business to government and within businesses, the…
BATNA is an acronym for Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement.  This article addresses the…
In a negotiation a common question is what types of information can be revealed and if so how much of that…