This is the report from the S Corporation Association of America    "Guidance on restrictions on…
This is Thanksgiving eve! What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Does it mean family, friends, and…
Here is just a quick note. This is a great summary by FMV Opinions of Flemming Cardiovascular, P.A.  vs…
This article was picked up by the AICPA and shared via the CPA Letter Daily on November 24, 2015. The…
This is the title to an article from the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation dated November 16, 2015.…
This article from the Harvard Business Review stresses that this is the one thing you can do to be a great…
What do all of these items have in common?    If we understand our and the other party’s…
I wrote the book, “The Wheels Are Falling Off the Wagon at the IRS” a year ago pointing out that the IRS is…
Up front I have to say that I am biased as a mediator.  I ran a litigation group for over 7 years with…
As some initial background all managers at the IRS receive Myers Briggs training as part of new manager…
The Organization for Economic Development (OECD) including the G20 countries that make up 90% of the global…
 Last week I worked with three entrepreneurs related to a new company.    This was not a…
"Getting to Yes" is a best selling book by William L. Ury, Roger Fisher and Bruce M. Patton.   The book…
I just read an article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “When to Make the First Offer in a Negotiation…
To be an effective manager I have found this simple mantra goes a long way: Tell each employee in your group…
With my firm I stop at the end of each quarter and ask where would I like to be 2 years from now and what…
Negotiations can be very difficult.  International negotiations are even harder due to nationality,…
How to Get Along with Difficult People Presented here are two sources to help you with this topic.  The…
Einstein attributed his success to being curious and asking questions.  He was seen walking around…
As an appraiser, we work with estate and gift tax attorneys regularly.  Here is some insight from a very…
Subscribing to the Program on Negotiations blog from the Harvard Law School I occasionally download free…
Another blog I follow is the Harvard Program on Negotiation from the Harvard Law School. As a mediator and…
I subscribe to the Harvard Business Review (HBR) blog and daily review various articles and recommendations…
I helped out two clients this week with some information you may find helpful. The first deals with the Built…
Working with different clients I have become acutely aware of generational differences, communication…
In this article by Peter Mehta regarding research credit audits, the author shares and concisely presents…
Last Friday I had the pleasure of addressing 25 executives in the Twin Cities regarding conflict resolution…
Today it was my distinct pleasure to attend a 90 minute session with futurist Jack Uldrich at EBITDA Partner’…
What do all of these have in common? In the last four days I have offered articles on negotiations at my…
I have received several inquiries over the past two weeks regarding potential changes in Treasury Regulations…